Thursday, August 9, 2007

Finding Life One Day At A Time

One of my Crystal Dragonflies is my photo for this day. I am hanging in there with my changes and trying to not push to hard to fast. I am not going to overcome years of inertia in a few months and know that I have to make changes that I am comfortable with and can maintain. It is day 9 of the month and so far mentally I am still doing good. The intent and desire to do this is there which is more than half of the battle for me.

I joined the gym for 3 months which will take me up to the point that I will be traveling over the holidays and I imagine that January could be a busy month with me coming home from a trip and hopefully my love coming home.

Yesterday Colleen and I did water aerobics and I think we will make that a regular Wednesday activity. Today we tried a weight training class and I am not sure if that will become a regular thing at this point or not, might be better to focus on cardio at first.

Although my scheduled class for today didn't hold I did get my instructions written for it. A bit of a challenge sometimes figuring out how to say something, easier to do it or show it. I had one person really interested but since she was going to be working at the store and taking the class at the same time it seemed better to just plan on rescheduling it.

I am still trying to work out a balance in my schedule but I am happy with my additions of physical enablement and getting back to writing morning pages. I just need to balance out my time working on the computer, creative time etc.

I have been working on my new website and it is coming along nicely. I still have a bit of work to do before I am ready to put it up. It will still be with dotMac but I chose different pages and am rearranging some of it. I am sure that even once I get it up I will still make plenty of changes to it.

I have added the ability for people to sign up to receive e-mails when I update my blogs so if you are interested feel free to do that. Just look on the side where it asks you to sign-up.

1 comment:

mAtilda said...

bellissima la tua libellula, Angie.
complimenti, ciao matilda