Monday, July 30, 2007

Stepping Through the Gate

My BJP page for July is done. I am still working on the journal for it but mostly need to figure out what I want to say. It has been an interesting month with some over due realizations on my part. If you want to read about those go to My BJP Blog.

The photo is of my first two months and gives you an idea how I am going to be hanging them. I may move the spacing closer but that won't be hard to do. My plan at the moment is a mix of pages that are pages of full sized photos and pages with smaller photos on a fabric background.

Tomorrow Colleen and I are going to a local gym, we have a free week to decide if we like it. We have decided to be work out buddies and maybe with both of us trying to take better care of ourselves we will manage to motivate each other. We are going to plan on around 10am which since I am a night owl puts it first thing in my day. I am hoping that when I get myself to eat more healthy and do some kind of exercise it will effect everything in my life in a positive way. Can't hurt.

I have gotten a start on designing my new website. Since I was moving it I decided I wanted to make some changes and I have a good start on it. I have plenty of things that I need to work on so it is remembering to prioritize and do some of several different activities each day. I probably should work on my to-do list so that I make sure that I know what I need to work on. I need to start thinking about getting a start on my Christmas cards. I have an idea so it is just a case of fitting it among the many other things I have going at the moment. At least I am in no way bored.


Padparadscha said...

Wow, great display idea !

Take care.

Angela said...

Less nails in the wall. I knew I wanted to hang them on the wall but wasn't sure I wanted that many holes in the wall or worrying over how to keep them all level. Far less of a problem and easy to send along if they ever get displayed somewhere. -Angie

Timaree said...

You can always do a to-do list like I seem to lately: write the list. Post it by computer or on desk, as appropriate. Get started organizing table for work on list or turn on computer and get email out of the way. Veer off course just for a sec, ooops, just where did that time go. Maybe tomorrow...